Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 4/9
Weather conditions: N 5-6m/s, 9°C
Cloud cover: Almost a clear sky
Moon status: First Quarter, 60% of the Moon is Illuminated

Please contact ticket office for further information at or +354 5195000

Tour at 22:00

Report from Eldey: We had to be patient on this tour, as we did not get northern lights before the last quarter of the tour ! The cloud cover was not as low as expected, the weather forecast pulled a cruel trick on us, so for most of the trip most of the action was happening behind the clouds. Fortunately, we had bits of faint northern lights during all the sailing so the passengers could hone their northern lights photographing skills under the advices of the crew members, there was plenty of opportunities for training. Around midnight, the northern lights intensity started to pick up, the cloud cover was also clearing a little bit, so we were treated with undulating lights on a large potion of the sky ! We could enjoy proper northern lights and see them dancing shortly, so our patience was rewarded. Hopefully everyone went home with nice memories and a better grasp of how to photograph this natural phenomenon. Good night guys !

- Guillaume Calcagni