Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 2/9
Weather conditions: E 3 m/s, -3°C 
Cloud cover: Partly clouded
Moon status: New moon, 0% illuminated

Report from Hafsulan and Eldey: Great conditions awaited us this evening; literally clear sky, no clouds in sight and only a little wind. The snow that had fallen over night surely made the scenery look stunning under glittering stars so that we sailed out with high hopes. We searched for over two hours for signs of the aurora borealis, but could not find any hints of green, pink, purple or blue. It just did not seem to be tonight. Therefore we offered all our passengers complimentary tickets to come back and try again to find the most beautiful of all lights. Especially the next two days look very promising with clear skies and a high solar activity. We are all eager to go out and look for the aurora again tomorrow.

- Guillaume and Babsi