Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 3/9
Weather conditions: W 7m/s, 3°C 
Cloud cover: Semi clouded
Moon status: Waning Crescent, illumination: 4%

Tour at 21:00

Report from Eldey: When we left the old harbor we had a brief snowfall. Luckily this was the only precipitation on this mild evening. Although the mountains surrounding Reykjavik were all covered in clouds, the sky above us cleared up from time to time allowing watching the stars. As a clear sky is one of the "most haves" for watching northern lights, we got very excited when the clouds moved away. And we were lucky! We saw a few greenish northern lights in the southwest as well as in the north. Unfortunately, the lights were very faint this evening and thus, our observations non-satisfying. That's why we offered complimentary tickets to our guests to give them the opportunity to come on another northern lights cruise with us.

- Nicole Koestner