Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 2/9
Weather conditions: 2m/s, -8°C 
Cloud cover: Clear skies
Moon status: Waxing Crescent, illumination: 2% 

Tour at 21:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out under beautiful clear sky full of starts. It was amazing, calm and moon-less night. Just after leaving lights of Reykjavik behind we could see that something's going one. First it was just a shadow on the sky but sensitive eye of camera discovered that it was green! Northern lights slowly started building up. Through rest of the tour we could enjoy greenish line starting over the mountain Esja and ending on the horizon on our side. There was even a falling star so we wish this northern lights to get stronger what eventually happened! We could see them with naked eyes and during passing time one line split in two, and we could see some movements on the edges. For sure thees lights weren't strong enough to be seen from the city, but being on the water far away from the artificial lights we could enjoyed them in the peace. 

- Ewa Malinowska