Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 2/9
Weather conditions: S 2m/s, 6°C 
Cloud cover: Mostly clear skies
Moon status: Full moon, illumination: 100%

Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: This evenings tour was much smoother than the rest of the days sailing with hardly any wind, fairly calm seas and only a little cloud cover. The focast was ok, being a 2 for activity and only partial clouds. On sailing out the clouds did part, allowing us a clear look at the beautiful star constellations. It was then we noticed a faint green line which grew and grew and bloomed into the wonderful northern lights! These lights delighted us for some time, another beam then began to grow, then suddenly the whole sky to the north began to dance and come alive with light! These lights played and burst for quite some time. Unfortunately as time was running short we did have to start heading back to harbour. But it was all with bright smiles and happy hearts!  

- Tess Hudson