Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 2/9
Weather conditions: E 7m/s, 2°C 
Cloud cover: Partly clouded
Moon status: Waxing Crescent, illumination: 35% 


Tour at 21:00

Report from Eldey: It was a perfect night to go out and hunt for northern lights. Sky was clear, with only few small clouds. We spend nice time out there, waiting in the shadow of mountain Esja waiting and hoping for the best. Unfortunately, even if we waited longer then we should, sky stayed calm. Suddenly, on the way back small greenish line appeared behind us, but was only seen with sensitive eye of camera. Some of passengers were lucky enough to even take a photo of this very shy northern light. It wasn't really what we were hoping to experience, so we decided to offer complimentary tickets.  

- Ewa Malinowska