
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 10 August 2012

Tour at 20:30 & 17:00

Due to bad weather conditions unfortunately we had to cancel our evening tour.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We went from Reykjavík on this tour and first went to lundey and once again we were not disappointed there were loads there. Then we sailed past Grótta lighthouse and close to land for a while and then further out to sea and back to land. Again we saw many seabirds which was lovely but unfortunately we were not so lucky with the whales this time. Hopefully things will get better soon. We gave complimentary tickets out for everyone to get a second chance of seeing one of the worlds most majestic animals.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was very rainy on our midday tour and the wind was relatively strong. Unfortunately we did not find any whale on this tour and therefore we distributed complimentary tickets.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We sailed out from Hafnafjörður harbour so that we could hug the coast towards Reykjavík so that sea wasn´t too rough for our lovely passengers. Not the nicest of weathers today especially once the rain came in but the guide and most of the passengers had a lot of fun, what an adventure. We got to see one lovely Minke Whale that surfaced many times and close to the boat too. We finished the tour at Lundey and saw many puffins. Not the best of weathers but a very lovely whale and many other species of seabird which are listed below.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was not so good this morning and therefore we decided to start our morning tour from Hafnarfjörður. On our sailing we found a group of white-beaked dolphins but they disappeared very quickly. Later on our tour we also saw a minke whale but also this guy surfaced only twice and then disappeared. We decided to invite our passengers to a second trip and gave out complimentary tickets.

Seabirds seen on todays tours include; Puffins, Common Guillemots, Razorbills, Gannets, Black-backed Gulls, Kittiwakes, Gannets, Storm Petrel, Black Guillemots, Eider Ducks, Cormorants and Manx Shearwaters,