
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 10 JULY 2020


Report from Elding: The last tour of the day did not disappoint. The weather improved from the previous ride, the winds calmed down, making our eventful journey even more enjoyable. No need for embellishment, this tour was objectively one of the greatest! Overall we saw 3 minke whales foraging and resurfacing very frequently for our delight and 3 humpback whales socializing and interacting with us! The latter are the most popular species of whale for a reason. These giants of the sea are prone to display acrobatic behaviour and these 3 were up for a show! Between pectoral slapping, peduncle throw and breaching out of the water, our guests were not sure which one impressed them the most... Another ride to remember!

- Inês Cunha


Report from Elding: The sea was even calmer this afternoon, and clouds still covered the sky, making absolutely perfect spotting conditions. We of course went straight for the area where we had seen the humpback whales this morning. To our surprise, they had come closer to the city, less than an hour of sailing away. The pair which was checking us out to closely this morning, was still together in the same area and both came for another look at us. Although not as long, they still came just as close. But after around half an hour, they seemed to get tired, began moving slower and diving only very shallow. As we did not want to disturb them from getting the rest that is essential for them, we slowly began to move away, sailing through other parts of the bay on our way back after another super successful tour.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Elding: Putting this tour into words is just not possible. We have been having an incredible summer this year but this tour has definitely topped it all. Most of our passengers hope to see whales jumping or slapping their fins, but an interaction, a contact like we had this morning, is incomparable. We started of the tour very good already, with a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins and a mother and calf pair minke whale. They were feeding under a flock of birds and were not caring at all about our boat being around. We left them only because we spotted blows further out. These turned out to be 3 humpback whales. But what happened then… 2 of them came to our boat, spyhopping and circling us, clearly interested in what we would do. When I waved at one, it lifted it’s head out of the water to see better who was waving!! We stayed out much longer than normally, and as we carefully moved away from them, they followed us!!!!!! This tour will stay in my memories forever, and I am sure it also will for all the passengers seeing their guide cry tears of joy.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today’s tours: atlantic puffin, northern gannet, eider duck, common guillemot, brunich’s guillemot, kittiwake, black-backed gull, arctic tern, arctic skua, manx shearwater.


We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today for the tour at 09:00 and 13:00. There is always some movement out on the bay, so if your are prone to sea sickness we have sea sickness tablets available at our ticket office. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.