
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 12 MAY 2017

Tour Status 17:00: CANCELLED

Due to rough weather and unfavourable sea conditions we unfortunately have to cancel our tour at 17:00 (5pm). If you like to reschedule or have any further questions please contact our ticket office at +354 519 5000 or at

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Although the wind was still strong and the swell building up it felt smooth on the way out as we were sailing with the swell. We went towards the area where we found the minke whale on the morning tour. The area was still very lively, large flocks of birds, especially northern gannets. Soon after we reached the area we spotted 2 harbour porpoises, they were only spotted a few times before they disappeared but less than a minute later a minke whale popped up within 200 meters. This was the first minke whale of at least three if not 4 minke whales on the tour. They seemed to be feedings when they surfaced on high speed underneath the flock of birds. The rough sea conditions, wind, and rain made the spotting challenging but still we managed to get good looks at the animals. In between the minke sightings we noticed more harbour porpoises, maybe 5-7 in total, that sometimes surfaced within 100 meters of the boat. These two cetacean species along with rich birdlife cheered us on in the difficult weather conditions out on the bay.

-Sigurlaug and Ewa

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Sea conditions were slightly choppy, however the visibility was unaffected and we could sea most of snæfellsnes peninsula. We had a hard time finding cetaceans in the beginning, however lots of seabirds were giving us a good indication of where to find them. We spotted 2 harbour porpoises after approximately one hour of sailing; however, as these creatures can be quite elusive, we didn't see them for very long. About half an hour later, a white-beaked-dolphin popped up right next to the boat, however disappeared right after and remained unseen for most of the people onboard. About 2 hours into the trip, a minke whale popped up about 200m away from us, which we started closing in on to get a better view. The minke whale popped up again about 50-100m away from the boat, nicely visible with its dorsal fin above the surface. Heading back, we were sailing against the wind and it got a bit chilly, however the sun was out and some of the fulmars were using our air currents, so overall it was a very enjoyable trip. 

- Friedrich Rittner

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, common guillemot, razorbill, Atlantic puffin, kittiwake, lesser black-backed gull, glaucous gull, Arctic tern, Arctic skua and eider duck.

Tour Status 9am, 1pm: RUNNING

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. There might be some movement on the boat out on Faxabay so if you are sensitive to motion sickness we do provide seasickness tablets, free of charge! Hope you are able to join us on our Whale Watching tours today.