Friday, 13 January 2023

Friday, 13 January 2023

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.


COVID-19: Keep in mind that passengers and crew are asked to ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser is advised.  


Report from Eldey: We headed out to sea in relatively calm conditions with not too much of a swell. The wind did pick up throughout the tour making it a chilly afternoon. Again, it didn't take long to find our lovely Flak the humpback whale. We sailed for about 20-30 minutes before we found the whale. Very quickly we were greeted by a penduncle throw. Over the next 30 minutes we were treated to many of these throws as well as pec slaps and tail slaps. It was truly remarkable to see such incredible behaviours. Of course, we did get the usual and graceful fluke dives too. To see a humpback whale behaving like this by choice out in the wild is so special! We also got to see a harbour seal on the way home too but this was a very brief sighting as it went back under the water very quickly. This was a fantastic tour.

- Rob Hyman

Bird species encountered today include:

Common and black guillemot, eider duck, black backed gull, glaucous gull, great cormorant, European shag and black headed gull.