
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 15 MAY 2015

Tour at 17:00

Unfortunately due to rough conditions at sea we have decided to cancel the tour this morning! Please call our office +354 519 5000 or send an email to

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: This tour started in rain and strong winds and ended with sunshine, the charm with the Icelandic weather. The whales from the morning tour continued to be elusive and we managed to see a minke whale surfacing a couple of times in the same area. A couple of manx shearwaters was seen during the tour and it is always nice to see this impressive seabird. On our way back a tail-slap was seen in the distance by the guide and a few passengers, when we got closer a fin was shortly seen but after that nothing. It was probably dolphins that we saw. A tour with many seabirds and elusive whales. 

-Marcus Bergström

Tour at 09:00
Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed west on the morning tour towards the proven good area of Márfló. The weather was cloudy with light rain and a east-southeast wind. After an hour of sailing we spotted our first minke whale. The area was very active with a lot of seabirds and 3 minke whales around the boat. But the minkes played us hard and didn't´t want to surface in the same area twice, therefore it was difficult to getting good views of them. A pod of 4-5 harbour porpoises made a short visit close to the boat and then traveled away from us. After we scanned the area closely we had to start heading back to Reykjavik. On our way back gannets and fulmars followed the boat and gave very good views.  

- Marcus Bergström 

Birds seen on today´s tour include; puffins, common guillemots, razorbills, black-backed gulls, kittiwakes, fulmars, gannets, arctic skuas, manx shearwaters, arctic terns and eider ducks.