
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 18 October 2013

Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: The sun had shown up and the weather looked quite beautiful although the wind gott a tiny bit stronger since this morning. When we got out on the bay tables had totally turned as there was not nearly as much life in the bay. We saw splases from Harbour Porpoises and actually a blow 2 times.. but the animals were gone before we knew it. Of course we gave all of our passengers complementary tickets which makes them able to come back with us on a tour for free in the next two years. Hopefully we will see them again and they will have better luck, but this just shows us how unpredictable wild life can be and how fast it can change. - Freydís Ósk

Tour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was calm as and so was the ocean as we sailed out in the morning tour. It was only after about a hour when the first Minke Whale surfaced close to the boat out of nowhere ! We stayed in the area and were able to watch 2-3 Minkes surface, both close and further away. After some time with them we saw big splashes far away and decided to head towards it. When we got there we found a pod of White-beaked Dolphins. we actually found 2-3 pods of a totall of 10-15 Dolphins in that area, they played around the boat and swam right under it, which made us able to see their whole body right under the surface, sometimes a few animals at a time. As we started to head back to the harbour we met the Minke Whale Humpie, who is a good friend of ours and has shown up for quite some trips this summer. We stayed with him for some time until he swam away and we went back to Reykjavík.It wasa beautiful morning tour with playful dolphins and surprising Minke's !- Freydís Ósk


Birds seen on todays tours include: Black-headed Gull, Guillemot, Razorbill, Norhtern Gannet, Shaq & Iceland Gull