
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 20 January 2012

Tour at 13:00

WHAT A DAY! Wow where to begin....well I'll try! We sailed out from Hafnarfjörður today. It was snowy and windy and the visibility was about 50 meters, but only after few minutes we found a humpback whale! This humpback came really close to the boat surfacing many times for us, and when I say close to the boat I mean touching the boat! This was just incredible! After some time with the humpy we found orcas in a distance. So both a humpback whale and orcas! The weather was now absolutely beautiful, sun was shining and it had stop snowing. Lots of seabirds were in the area, gannets, fulmars, kittiwakes, Iceland gulls, cormorants and black backed gulls. After sharing the humpback photos of todays encounter with a researcher from Húsavík we have discovered that this is a Humpback Whale that was seen daily off of Húsavík from July 29th to August 3rd 2011. Nice to know that he/she is still around.