
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 20 JULY 2018

Tour status: RUNNING

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: Not the most beautiful of nights out in the bay, with misty rain that was so fine you didn´t realise you were get wet until you were drenched. We enjoyed the birdlife on this tour: puffins, guillemots, gannets, fulamrs, skuas, tern and many more. The whales, however were a lot more elusive. We did encounter a pair of white-beaked dolphins on two seperate occasions but they were not in a people watching mood and soon disappeared as fast as they were spotted. The musical talents of Símon picked up the spirits of the guests as we sailed home and as the tour was difficult with regards to the whales we decided to offer passengers complimentary tickets in the hope for best whale watching and better weather on their next excursion. 

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The rain had stopped but still foggy, but during our tour it cleared up a little bit and we saw some sun. We saw 8 white-beaked dolphins about an hour into our tour. We were able to travel with them for a long time and they came really close to the boat. We got some really good looks at them and were evnn able to se them travelling fast just underneath the water surface. We headed back to harbour after this good encounter and had a easy sail back.

-Kolbrún Þóra Sverrisdóttir

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This was a very interesting tour, as the visibility at the beginning was significantly worse then that of the 10 o'clock tour. The non-stop horizontal rain also wasn't very helpful. I took us a very long time to see some marine mammals. On the way we saw plenty of bird life, but the best part was of course seeing feeding northern gannets... ... and dolphins! A small pod of white-beaked dolphins was industriously catching fish around the boat, exhibiting sharp turns and jumping out of the water as well. So despite the harsh weather conditions and sea state, we managed to enjoy the raw beauty of the Icelandic sea.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: And once again we could proof it right, that any kind of weather is good to see cetaceans! We sailed out in a rainy misty weather with poor visibility. We went to the area were we last saw the minke whales and slowed down scanning the area and at that moment the first minke whale surfaced. Shortly after followed by a second one, coming quite close to our boat for some human watching. After some time we saw a big splash further away and as we turned the boat we saw a juvenile minke whale breaching several times! This was just incredible and left us all amazed! As we kept on going on our tour, we came across a huge minke whale, also jumping out of the water, this time even closer. It was and adult individual who really showed its full size, just incredible!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Today it was overcast and raining, so now we could recognize the Icelandic summer once again. On the tour we really struggled trying to find some cetaceans, and as the time passed, we got more and more worried if we were going to succeed finding some whales. Just in the nick of time, we came across a large flock of birds feeding, and 3 minke whales showed up! We could stay for quite some time, and just enjoy the minke whales feeding. Sometimes surfacing slow, other times erratic in the middle of the mass of birds. They were so close, that we could hear their blow, despite the wind. It was a wet and windy tour, but the minke whales made it worth our while!

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: After a sunny day yesterday we were greeted with some rain, but the sea was calm and flat so we can't complain about that. Our first encounter of the day were 2 harbour porpoises that surfaced right in front of the boat. The people that were outside got to see them really well but soon after they were pointed out they were gone. We sailed in a area were we saw lots of birds and saw 2 white-beaked dolphins that surfaced really slowly so we got to stay with them for a while and one of them even came all the way to the  boat to check on us. Next we saw some minke whales, there were about 6 of them in the area that we stayed in and 2 of them were surfacing together  and came close to the boat! Great tour even they we were soaked from all the rain. 

-Kolbrún Þóra Sverrisdóttir

Birds seen on todays tours: black legged kittiwake, northern gannet, northern fulmar, black backed gull, atlantic puffin, manx shearwater, guillimot, arctic skua

We are running our tours today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík. We are expecting some rain out on the Faxa Bay today but sea conditions are favorable. We do provide all of our customers with wind- and waterproof overalls to keep them warm and dry throughout our tours.  Please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office for further information, either via phone +354 5195000 or