
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 20 MAY 2016

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: On our evening tour it was even windier than before and the sea conditions were a bit rougher with quite a few white-caps. The start of the tour was a bit difficult. After about 45 minutes we got news from another whale watching boat that they had spotted a humpback whale. We went over there and saw this animal once in some distance, however, then it never showed up again .After a while waiting for it we just moved on. The next tricky cetacean was a minke whale. A passenger saw a blow in an area with loads of birds and after a few minutes this minke showed itself once before it vanished. Frustrating! However, just about the same times we saw a few big blows several hundred meters away and went over there to find two feeding humpback whales! It was amazing, many birds around and we could watch the whales within 100 m of us! The best reward after we had to be patient for such a long time! With smiles on our faces we went back to the harbour! 

- Hanna Michel

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The wind had become a bit stronger since this morning but the sea conditions were still nice and smooth. We headed back to the same areas as before accompanied by two other whale watching boats. One of them spotted a humpback whale after ca. 45 min. It was the same individual as this morning and it gave as a few nice fluke-ups. Since it was going for long dives we then decided to look for something else and soon found another humpback whale! It turned out to be "Picasso". It was feeding followed by many arctic terns and kittiwakes and stayed rather close to us every time it surfaced. After spending some time with it, we left Picasso to itself and started heading towards another whale watching boat that had found a pod of dolphins. However, on the way over we saw a minke whale! First, it was a couple of hundred meters away but when it resurfaced it popped up just 50 m away from us! We watched it for a while with two other minke whales further in the distance before we headed home. In the beginning and the end we also encountered small pods of harbour porpoises (3-5 individuals each). 

- Hanna Michel

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: On this beautiful morning we headed out in almost perfect sea conditions; smooth sea, a sunny sky and only a little wind. For about 45 minutes we sailed out into Faxa bay in the direction of the city of Akranes and were accompanied by many arctic terns which were feeding all around us. We then got news from another boat that they had seen a humpback whale relatively close behind us. So we turned around and everybody was rewarded with beautiful views of it´s fluke. It was an individual we had seen quite a few times throughout this week. After a while we continued further into the bay because we had seen a blow further away and encountered a second humpback. While waiting for the marine mammal to resurface we also saw a pod of 3-5 harbour porpoises. They were very active and played around next to our boat. Shortly after we enjoyed the second humpback whale we also encountered a minke whale not far from usWe watched it surfacing a couple of times before we continued our journey around the bay. There we met the humpback whale we had encountered earlier again and another pod of 3-5 harbour porpoises. Then it was time for us to turn around and head back under the beautiful sun.

- Barbara Neubarth


Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, kittiwake, lesser black-backed gulls, great black-backed gull, atlantic puffin, common guillemot, arctic tern, arctic skua and eider ducks. 


We are sailing on this beautiful day from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. There is little to no wind and the sun is shining.