
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


FRIDAY, 22 MAY 2015

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The nice weather continued on the evening tour. We headed straight away for the area that was so good on the afternoon tour. On our way we came across with a minke whale that was moving around in an area clearly resting. It was a small individual that we recognize from the past week. We left this whale, continuing towards the area we were heading. On the way we spotted a small pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises, that surfaced close to the boat a couple of times. When we arrived at the area with many minke whales on the afternoon tour we soon saw 2 minke whales, at one point they surfaced at the same time right next to each other. The sea was completely calm and no wind, so it was pure joy standing in the evening sun watching these animals. The journey back was also a delight, ending at a sunny Reykjavik. A wonderful day!       

- Marcus Bergström

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: AN INCREDIBLE TOUR! Where to start... This truly felt like the first day of summer, no wind, sunshine and a dead calm sea gave us the best conditions for searching after cetaceans. Very soon we found minke whales. A total of 4-5 minke whales were feeding and milling in a relatively small area. Providing us with very close encounters and I think most managed to get very good photos of the whales. In the same area a large pod of harbour porpoises (10+) were feeding, also showing themselves very well! Like this wasn't´t enough a pod of 7-8 white-beaked dolphins joined us and were jumping and traveling with us for a while, absolutely amazing! Cetaceans and many seabirds what more can you ask for on a tour in the North Atlantic.      

- Marcus Bergström

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: An absolutely wonderful morning tour with sunshine and very weak winds. The sea condition when we left Reykjavik harbour was very good with almost no white caps and only some rolling waves from yesterday. After a little more than an hour of sailing we arrived at an area with 3 minke whales that were feeding. They gave us beautiful views, surfacing close to the boat on several occasions. Whales close to the boat, sunshine and no wind, more or less a perfect tour!

- Marcus Bergström

Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, black-backed gulls, puffins, cormorants, arctic skuas, common guillemots, shags, arctic terns, red-necked phalaropes.