
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Eldey: The weather remained the same as the previous tour. This ride turned out to be much more successful though. It took us around an hour and a half to find our pod of around 9 to 12 white beaked dolphins. They were quite comfortable around us, so we were able to stay with them for a very long period of time, just until the point where we necessarily had to start heading back to the harbour. These beautiful creatures were foraging and melting our hearts as they suddenly started to leap out of the water just a few meters away from us. Another unforgettable journey with Elding.

- Inês Cunha


Report from Eldey: We had wonderful weather today, flat  seas (finally!), slight breeze (Finally!) and good visibility. We searched far and wide for our elusive whales and dolphins this morning, but once again the areas we searched were unproductive except the odd seabird here and there. We had optimal spotting  conditions this morning so if there was whales around we felt confident to find them but no whales around then there is nothing to show. Of course nature is very unpredictable and it can chance in an instance so we keep searching and trying and hope passengers join us for a complimentary tour with better luck. 

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tours include; black-headed gulls, black-backed gulls, glaucous gulls, common guillemots, eider ducks, great cormornats, northern gannets, northern fulmars. 


We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. There could always be some movement out on the bay, so if your are prone to sea sickness we have sea sickness tablets available at our ticket office. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.