Friday, 26 February 2010

Tour at 13:00

We sailed out from Grindavík today. We headed to the area where we had spotted the Orcas (Killer whales) and Humpback Whales last weekend. When we got to the area the weather changed quickly, it started snowing and the visibility got pretty bad and we couldn't see very far away from the boat. Therefore we headed to a different area where the weather wasn't as bad and soon we stumbled up on a male Orca (Killer whale), at first it seemed to be alone. Soon we saw another one so there were at least two individual Orcas (Killer whales) in the area, one female and one male. While we were enjoying the company of the Orca's we saw a blow a bit further away, we headed towards the blow and there we found two Humpback whales. After a while we lost them and spotted the Orca again. We were running out of time so we started heading back to the harbour. On the way we spotted one of the Humpbacks again. It was almost as big as it gets or around 17 meters long, it had started to snow quite a lot and it was so amazing how it swam really close to us, almost felt as if it was as big as the boat.