
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour Status: RUNNING

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Somedays we have a good weather and sometimes not so good. Specially now in winter time we are more weather-cautious and we are always transparent with our expectations about sea state. We knew that today it will be a little bit more movement so we took easy route to avoid bigger waves. That decision provided us with a close view for lighthouse Grotta when waves were crashing rocks in a spectacular way. 40 min later we were in the same location as yesterday enjoying presence of humpback whale. It was the same individual which is still waiting to be named. Whale was moving a lot, staying on the surface for 4-5 breaths and then showing fluke and going down for 5 minutes. Every time was somewhere else. We tried our best to not be in his way and it paid off as three times whale came up very close to our boat. We even could hear how loud whale exhale! Beside this humpback we also had great bird watching time as there was plenty of little auks and northern gannets. 

- Ewa Malinowska 

Bird species seen today include: cormorant, edier duck, black-legged kittiwake, northern gannet, northern fulmar, little auk, common guillemot

We are running our whale watching tour at 13:00 today, from the old harbour in Reykjavík.

Come and join us on an adventure today! Please don't hesitate to contact us for bookings or more information via phone, +354 5195000 or

It is quite windy today so there might be some movement on the ocean. We offer complimentary seasickness pills for those who wish. 

We look forward to welcome you on board!