
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: What a beautiful evening. Still slightly windy conditions, warm feeling in the sheltered harbour walls but as soon as we left the harbour the wind and colder conditions hit us. Warm overall on and ready for a great tour. After sailing for 1 hours we saw a hge flock of birds in the distance and then a minke whale suddenly popped up. Crew saw it 3 times but few passengers saw it. We gave up and coninued to the flock of birds and then we found a feeding frenzy of seabirds and minke whales. We saw at least 3-4 minke whales sometimes close to the boat some further. Passengers were having a great time spotting the minkes and photographing the small very cute puffins. We also saw dolphins jumping and splashing on the horizon but unfortunatly didn´t get to seen them closer. We travelled home with the sun setting over snæfellsjökulll and some good music to relax. A wonderful evening. 

- Megan Whittaker


Report from Eldey: The Icelandic summer continues... This afternoon's tour we started out once more into the most beautiful sunhine and with wind calming down we were able to approach the bay head-on. We were heading into the direction where we had our last whale sightings on the previous tour. Around that area it was, that once more we encountered quite some bird activity and decided to stay for a while, until we spotted our first of 3 minke whales. The animal was surfacing only ince brefore going onto a deeper dive, so it was quite hard to predict, where it would be surfacing again. So we decided to check out another flock of seabirds close by, where we encountered our second animal. This time the animal was surfacing once very close to our boat and then continued it's journey away from us, where we could see it disappearing into the sun's glare. We decided to head back towards the harbour, when we spotted birds for a third time on this tour, which were followed by another minke whale. All animals on this tour seemed rather busy and not interested in our boat or passengers, but then again, that is what wildlife is: unpredictable. We did enjoy the encounter with the whales and a lot of seabirds around us, and of course, lots of sunshine.

-Christina Winkler


Report from Elding: when the sun greets all of us as we leave the harbour. At the beginning of the tour, wind had calmed down and it was a beautiful sailing to the bay. After half an hour we saw a flock of bird in front of us, so we decided to had a look and before got there a minke whale popped up feeding under the birds.we stayed at the same area for a long time and we saw another two individuals surfaced within 60 meters of our boat. When everything calmed down we went to another area trying to find more cetaceans and we saw the amazing northern gannet plunge into the sea. Unforttunately we did not see any whale else, so we gave our passenger the opportunity to come back again for free. 

Jose Manuel Marco


Report from Eldey: Seams like the summer came back! The weather was perfect to be out at sea, under clear skies and bright sunshine! Once we reached one of the areas where we usually sight our cetaceans, It did not took us long to find our first whale. There was a lot of bird activity around us, reflecting abundance of prey. Right under a big flock of birds, our first minke whale popped up. We placed our bets on the few big flock of birds spread out through the area. One sighting lead to the other and in the end we got to enjoy 3 minke whales. One of them popped out belly up, as it was turning on the side with its mouth wide open, as they usually do when are lunge feeding! Later on, on our way back to the harbour, when everybody though the adventure was over, a pod of 4 or 5 harbor porpoises aproached our vessel! Overall an incredible experience. Another great tour with Elding!

- Inês Cunha


Report from Hafsúlan: Finally we had blue skies again, even if the cold northerly winds were blowing in our faces. We took a more sheltered route during this trip, having a look around Kollafjörður, were we found animals in between the islands during this winter. Being close to the puffin island of Lundey, we spotted quite a few puffins carrying fish to their burrows, trying to escape the arctic skuas chasing them. We kept heading up the coast and also went into Hvalfjörður, during our search, enjoying amazing views of the mountains of Esja and Akrafjall close up. Even though we did see a variety of seabirds during our trip, we did not come across any cetaceans.Therefore we invited our passengers to come on another tour with us for free, during the next 2 years.

- Diana Besel 


Report from Eldey: What a difference the weather can make. We started our first tour of the day in the most amazing sunshine you can imagine. And even with a pretty strong wind coming from the north, we sailed along the coast of Faxafloi bay. Still very close to the puffin islands in the bay we were able to watch atlantic puffins dive for fish, flying around us and also being attacked by kittiwakes and black-backed gulls, trying to steal the fish from the puffins. We contued sailing around Akranes and further into the bay, with beautiful landscapes surrounding us. Although we had this stunning weather and were able to observe quite a few birds around us, we were not able to find any whales or dolphins on the tour and therefore offered all our passengers to return to us on a complimentary tour within the next two years.

-Christina Winkler

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, lesser black-backed gull, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern, northern gannet, northern fulmar, arctic skua, manx shearwater, common guillemot, black guillemot, razorbill.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. The weather today is good, however if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.