
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Sailing out on a sunny and calm day like this was a delight by itself. It was a bit of a unique tour because we decided to sail towards Keflavik, the place where humpback whales have been seen in the morning by the locals. It took us two hours to get there, but when we did, we soon saw the first blow in the distance. 3 humpback whales were entertaining us with their feeding behaviour, going down for deep dives, showing their fluke tail and lazily turning on their sides. They were all over the place and you could hear delighted gasps of our passengers as they spotted them on our right side, left side, in the front and in the back. It was an absolutely wonderful encounter. The time ran out and we hade to leave the humpbacks to feed in solitude as we sailed to Keflavik harbour were the buses were already waiting for us. Unforgettable!

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: On this beautiful morning we sailed out with the sun in our face and the wind on our back. It looked like to be a promising day, clear sky and flat sea with great visibility over the surrounding landscape when suddenly the first cetaceans of the day appeared. 2-3 harbour porpoises crossed our path directly in front of the boat. Unfortunately just the once being in front on the upper deck could spot them as they were really elusive and so we went straight on. After some time we spotted a huge seabird flock at the horizon and wanted to give it a try. On approaching a minke whale surface quite close to our boat. We got some really nice looks at it even though it seemed to be a bit shy so we decided to give it another try and made another round in the bay until we met the same minke whale again. It was about time to head back home but we still kept a look out so that we met a third species, some 2-3 pods of white-beaked dolphins. About 15 individuals where mainly feeding in the area, we could even spot a calf with it's mother. We really stretched our time but we did not want to miss one minute!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, blacked-legged kittiwake, eider duck, cormorant.

We are sailing out of the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on this beautiful but cold day. Sea conditions are favorable, but we do have complimentary sea sickness tablets at the ticket office and on the boat. On board there are heated indoor areas but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. Hope you will be able to join us today.