
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



09:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:30: RUNNING

Tour at 20:30

Report from Eldey: A nice sail out in the bay this evening, unfortunatly it was to cloudy to enjoy the midnight sun but it did try to fight it´s way through the clouds at one point and provided a beautiful photograph. A variety of seabirds kept us company on the journey off shore and after 50 minutes found our first minke whale, a little difficult but spotted it surface about 6 times with about 2 minute dives inbetween. We decided to head further out in hope to find a more productive area but instead it was rather quiet. Another whale watching boat spotted a pair of minke whales and so we were off. They were awesome, surfaced many times, very close and slowely to get some pictures. We were about to stay and follow for about 20 minutes and left them in peace, On the way back to port we spotted 3 white-beaked dolphins and enjoyed the musical talents of Gisli. 

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Once again, this day didn't disappoint. Good weather, calm seas and plenty of wildlife. We spotted a minke whale not long after leaving the harbour, but this one was a stubborn one and didn't resurface in the vicinity after a considerable amount of awaiting. We continued forward and soon came upon a few white-beaked dolphins who came up just enough times to satisfy our curiosity and leave us wanting more. We left those rascals behind and concentrated on another minke whale that was in the area. Later we saw more of the same species and one even graced us with his very close presence off the port bow. All in all a complete and calm afternoon tour that made us appreciate the beauty of these creatures.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: With slight rain we set sail on our adventure. We came across lots of seabirds as we spotted a fin in distance, unfortunately upon approaching it had disappeared. So we went on an checked out the big flocks of seabirds, as it is always a good indicator to spot some cetaceans around. And once again we were not disappointed as we spotted one minke whale after the other, some being more elusive and some not to shy, giving us a closer look. We spotted probably 5-6 individuals during our tour, some more often and others only once. Nevertheless definitely a great afternoon out in the bay again!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We head off Reykjavik sailing over flat seas and soft winds. Our adventure heated up quite soon as we sighted an active group of around 5 white-beaked dolphins quite close to the harbor. Shortly after we saw a very small minke whale and we were able to fallow it for a while. We left it only to find another group of dolphins a few minutes after. Later on we were lucky enough to encounter another minke whale. This time a much bigger individual. After observing the latter a few times, we started heading back towards Reykjavik, as we were running out of time, after such an incredible ride!

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: Oh the glorious conditions! We had a flat sea, almost no wind and nothing to get in the way of the spotting! The first sighting of the tour came with a pod of about 15 white-beaked dolphins. At first it seemed they were busy feeding, surfacing at lightning speed in every directions, but soon enough they loosened up and switched their attention toward us. Most of them stayed at around 100m of distance from the boat, but displayed such acrobatic and delightful leaps or breachings that we didn't mind too much. Still, about 4 of them were more daring and came to have a close look at us. The next encounter after that was an incredibly relaxed minke whale that was almost never deep diving and surfacing gently and slowly. We got incredible pictures opportunities on this tour!

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Finally some nice calm seas with even a little bit of blue skies as a reminder that the sky can also be a different colour then gray. We didn't have to sail out very far before we encountered a pod of 15-20 white-beaked dolphins. They were In a good mood and spent a considerable amount of time playing around our boat and were even bow riding. After we had our fill of fun with the marvelous dolphins we left the area in search of something else. Very soon we came upon a place with loads of birds that were all very hungrily feeding at the surface. They were not alone. A few moments passed and we were surrounded by 3-4 minke whales. It was hard to keep track of them and the directions they were surfacing at. They were a cherry on top for this tour and we were returning home knowing we made possible for yet another successful tour.

-Lucas Heinrich

Birds seen on today's tours: atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, black guillemot, common guillemot, razorbill, lesser black-backed gull, arctic skua, northern gannet, arctic tern, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, manx shearwater.

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. Sea conditions are are favorable but there could always be some movement on the boat and we do have free seasickness tablets at the office. Hope you are able to join us on our search for these magnificent animals in their natural environment.