
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Report from Hafuslan:

13:00 tour:

The weather was grey and rainy as we left the harbour but we didn´t let the weather dampen our spirits. After half an hour of sailing we came accross a minke whale. This particular individual was very shy so didn´t stay for long. Furhter out at sea, after having searched different areas, we had an incredible encounter: Two humpback whales were feeding together, with a pod of white-beaked dolphins (15 to 20 individuals) in the same spot. It was wonderful to see the humpback whales lunge feeding in synchronity while white-beaked dolphins jumped around and northern gannets circle the whole scene from above. On our way back to Reykjavík we saw in the distance behind us splashes from one of the humpback whale breeching. Overall an amazing trip!


09:00 tour:

The weather forecast looked ominous before the days tour with the possibility for strong winds. As we sailed into the bay we were pleasantly surprised. The sea was relatively smooth with a more gentle swell than predicted. Harbour porpoises were the first cetacean species of the day as they surfaced directly in front of our vessel. The small group of 3-5 individuals began to move quickly, exposing the majority of the body. Minke whales were observed shortly after. Two individuals, quite far from one another, came to the surface, with one heading along our course. This allowed for great views of this large individual. The last species also proved to give the most impressive encounter, with a pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins leaping through the waves, before deciding to investigate our vessel. 

-Mike Smith


Pictures are by Sabrina from a private tour at 14:00