
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 7 June 2013

Tour at 17:00:Report from Hafsúlan: We started the tour with a visit to the Puffin Island, Akurey and watched the bird life there for some minutes. After we headed out we could see that the weather wasn't as perfect as in the morning but it was still good. We had to sail for a while before we saw our first Minke Whale, even two of them! they surfaced around 30 meters from the boat and then we headed further out. on our way we saw 1 Minke whale but it was very ellusive. As the time went by we headed further out, and finally we found 2 Minke Whales that seemed to like us very much! they Came so close to us, 10 meters away from the boat and were traveling two together,both of them even came up with the head and took a look at us ! what an amazing ending to the trip. When we were almost at the harbour we turned around, and headed back out, the captain had heard about dolphins and we soon found them, the great White beaked dolphins that were hunting and even breaching (jumping out of the water) !What an amazing trip with two unbeliveable endings !! -Freydís Ósk HjörvarsdóttirTour at 14:00:

Report from Elding. We headed out from Reykjavík and the weather was very good, a light breeze but the ocean was very still. We headed to where we had seen the dolphins earlier that day. We encountered two White-beaked Dolphins and watched them for a while. We decided to go further out hoping to find something more. After looking for a while we spotted a Minke Whale in the distance and headed towards it. We waited for a little while until the Minke surfaced right in front of the boat, moving at a very slow speed. On our way back we saw a big flock of birds, puffins, Gannets, kittiwakes and Arctic Terns feeding. In this flock of birds we also saw a pod of 3-4 Harbour Porpoises. We than headed to Akurey to take a look at all the puffins and they were very many today. A very good tour on a beautiful day.

-Aldís Erna PálsdóttirTour at 13:00:Report from Hafsúlan: In this tour we headed straight out and shortly we found around 10 White beaked dolphins that were hunting and watched them for some time while they came very close to us and let us get an amazing look at them. After that we decided to head further out and shortly we saw our first Minke Whale that surfaced close to us we watched her surface 3 times and then she took a deep dive and was gone so we kept on going. Soon we found some Harbour Porpoises that followed us for some time which was amazing, always fun to get a traveling company! We sailed for some time before we saw a Minke Whale again, then there were 5 animals around us and one even surfaced just next to the boat! We wathced these beautiful animals surface slowly for some time before we had to head back to the harbour, but of course we visited the very lively puffin Island, Akurey, before we went backGreat tour in a bay full of life !-Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir

Tour at 10:00:

Report from Elding. We headed out from Reykjavík this morning in excellent weather. We started by going to Akurey and we saw a lot of puffins, mainly sitting on the sea around the island. We then headed out to look for whales. After about 40 minutes we saw a Minke Whale surface in front of us. We went to that area and then we saw more Minke Whales in the distance and decided to sail slowly around the area which was obviously full of life. We encountered Gannets, Puffins, Minke Whales and also two pods of 6-8 Harbour Porpoises. After a while we decided to set sail to an area where we had gotten words of some Dolphins. On our way a Minke Whale came up just 20-30m from the boat. We saw it surface a few times very close before heading on. When we got to the area we saw a pod of 4 White-beaked Dolphins. The came very close to the boat and even swam under it. We watched them for a while and then headed back to Reykjavík. An amazing tour in a bay full of life.

-Aldís Erna PálsdóttirTour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan: The morning was beautiful and we started the tour with going to the Puffin Island, Akurey which was crowded with puffins! After about 20 minutes sail from Akurey we saw the first blow from a Minke Whale and got a good look at it surfacing, soon we realised that the area was full of Minke whales, probably around 20 animals and we could get a good look at some of them! when we had seen them perfectly we decided to head to another area, on our way there we saw Harbour Porpoises, over 30 animals that came very close to the boat and were just swimming with us. On our way back to the harbour we heard about some dolphins so we headed to that area, and there we saw around 20 White beaked dolphins that were hunting and playing around.What a great tour full of wild life in great weather!-Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir


Birds seen on todays tours include: Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Northern Gannets, Atlantic Puffins, Cormorants, Manx Shearwater, Common Guillemots, Arctic Terns and Lesser Black-backes Gulls.