Friday, 7 October 2011

Tour at 13:00

BLUE WHALES AND MORE!! Once again another crazy day out at sea. First of all we came across a pod of White-backed Dolphins which seemed to be a bit elusive probably due to the fact that they had juveniles with them. Really nice to watch though as the babies surfaced side by side with their mothers. Then we saw it a massive blow. YES!! We were on our way and soon noticed that not only were there one blow but two side by side. As we got closer and saw the whales. One Blue Whale and we believed that the other may actually be a Fin Whale as the dorsal fin was a lot bigger and colouration of the body was darker. Then we researched it further and these two were also spotted in the north of Iceland and they caused a lot of confusion up there as well. We will see. Pictures will be sent and hopefully answers will be given soon.