
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: This was another amazing day out on the bay! Our first sighting was early on the tour with 3 white beaked dolphins. They traveled slowly in an area close to Reykjavík and while we followed them we spotted two other pods of dolphins. We decided to check out on of the pods and suddenly spotted a humpback whale surfacing right next to the dolphins. This was a rather elusive humpback, spent long time under water so we had to be patient with it. Then the humpback came towards us and it swam all around the boat within few meters from us! After seeing a great time with the humpback we decided to go further out and after a while we spotted another pod of 5-6 white beaked dolphins. While watching the dolphins we noticed a puffin right next to the boat! It is really nice to know that these beautiful birds are coming back after the winter. Our thirds species of whale showed up in the same area, a minke whale! This was really a fantastic tour, warm weather, good sea conditions and great sightings. 

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The weather here in the Southwest has been incredible lately and is a big bonus to all the whales, dolphins and porpoises that are around in the bay. And it makes spotting the animals a lot easier and the sailing very comfortable. It didn't take a long time this morning until we encountered a first pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins. First the played around the bow of our boat for a bit before they were speeding up and then traveling next to us. Sometimes they chose to come closer again and check us out, it was cool to follow them for a while while heading further out. We had decided to move on when we got news from another whale watching boat about a humpback whale. We went there since it was not far away from us and waited for it to come to the surface again. First, this humpback was almost a bit boring as it went for many long dives and it required a lot of patience from passengers as well as crew. However, it got more active towards the end of the tour, it was slashing its tail around before it went for a dive again with a elaborate fluke-up close next to us! While watching the humpback, we had also seen another pod of dolphins traveling by in the distance. Since they were definitely more fun to watch than the humpback today, we decided to leave the humpback in peace and look for the second dolphin group. Soon we found them and got to see one of the 5 dolphins jumping about 10 times right in front of us only a few meters away. It was a nice good-bye from these adorable creatures as we then headed back to Reykjavík! As we headed home, we could still see even another pod of about 10 more dolphins in the distance.

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tours include: northern fulmars, lesser black-backed gulls, kittiwakes, glaucous gulls, eider ducks and puffin.