
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 16 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

The wind died down a little but still quite choppy seas as we headed against the wind back to land at the ends of the tour. The Humpback Whales were a bit easier to approach this tour and we even had one surface just meters from the boat bringing up its glorious tail so close to us. It is one of those must see's when a Humpback Whale brings up its tail with the gorgeous Icelandic snow capped mountains in the background. Also as be were about to leave the area a Humpback BREACHED just 20 meters in front of the boat. Unfortunately I didn't see it but I'm very happy for the majority of passengers that did. So that is now four days that a humpback whale has breached, whoo hoo :). We also saw all the birds listed in the 9:00 tour and many Minke Whales and Harbour Porpoises too. ANOTHER INCREDIBLE DAY AT SEA ;)


Tour at 9:00

Well a beautiful sunny day but quite windy. Once again we headed to our favourite place in Faxaflói and once again it was fabulous. We saw thousands of seabirds first Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Guillemots, Razorbills, Gannets, Seagulls and a couple of Puffins. So now we knew we were in the right place. BLOW 11 O'CLOCK and it carried on from there. The Humpback Whales were a little bit difficult this morning but we still got to see a couple of them bring up their beautiful tails in the distance. The Minke Whales however where fantastic as they were surfacing so close to the boat, rolling and lunge feeding. Incredible to watch.