Monday, 16 May 2011

Tour at 13:00

We headed straight out to the same area we found the humpback this morning, hoping to find it again. When we came to the area we spotted a minke whale and them a big blow. It was the humpback again. What luck. The bird live was very active in the area, diving gannets among others, and many minke whales, surfacing very close to the boat, 10-20 meters and the humpback was just fantastic. One time it came up only 5 meters behind the boat, so we could nearly touch it. Active wild live, perfect whale watching tour, we could see them, hear them, when they came up to breath and we could smell them, (stinky minke). So all together unforgettable tour. Birds seen on the tour: Gannets, fulmars, kittiwakes, puffins, arctic skuas, guillemots and arctic turns.


Tour at 09:00

The weather was nice but there were some swells out in the bay. There were not many puffins at the puffin island Lundey this morning. It took us some time to spot a whale, then after searching for some time we spotted a blow from a minke whale, and another whale. In this area we found at least three minke whales, some surfacing close others further away. Suddenly a whale surfaced 100 meters from the boat and we could not believe our eyes, it was a humpback whale. What a nice surprise. It surfaced many times and three times very close, 15-30 meters and showing the tail, so we could have a good look at it. Brilliant tour.