
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status at 19:00 : RUNNING

Due to conditions getting worse, we have to cancel the whale watching tour at 19:00 this evening 

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: We were sailing out in light rain, the swell went down a lot from the afternoon tour which made it more comfortable. A first sighting was about to come only a few minutes after leaving the harbour and it was a minke whale. This one should be an example in behaviour of what was still waiting for us: In total there were 4 minke whales along our way and all of them were to be seen only once or twice. According to this big radius they were moving in and also the very scattered seabirds of today suggest that the fish was not concentrated at all today, but rather widely distributed.

- Valentin Witek

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: It seemed that autumn started earlier this year as it was a typical day from that season: rainy and cold. But cetaceans don´t mind at all atmospheric weather as they were enjoying the abundant food that Faxafloi had to offer. First, a fast and solitary white-beaked dolphin appeared just few meters from the boat and disappeared at the same speed. We continued our trip without any more news from dolphins and we discovered 2 minke whales that seemed to be very close-related to the previous dolphin as they surfaced just few times close to the boat to disappear too. We were very pessimistic as we were almost entering into the harbour when a jolly minke whale popped out of nowhere and it came close to the boat several times. This tour showed us how unpredictable and fantastic wildlife can be.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey:  This tour we experienced some really heavy rain, but that did not stop us from heading out into the bay to find some animals. Our first encounter was not far from harbour, we had just passed the island of Akurey when we spotted a minke whale! It surfaced a few times before going away. As we were not far from harbour we headed further out the bay. We then saw some birds and saw around 5 other minke whales, one of them came really close as we were sailing and caught us by surprise. On our way back to harbour we then got a quick look at 2 harbour porpoises. Good tour even though we got soaking wet!

-Kolbrún Þóra Sverrisdóttir

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: Sky was covered with low clouds, in fact we were sailing through some of them experiencing heavy rain at the beginning. Later on wind blow out all the moisture of us. Conditions weren't´t the best but we made our best! After around 40 minutes we saw other whale watching boats on the horizon but next to them was a very interesting flock of birds. Northern gannets were plunge diving around us with 2 minke whales underneath. We spend rest of the tour making circles around seeing more and more minkes, in total up 6 individuals.

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: On the whole boat nobody seemed to be bothered by slight rain as our expectations to find whales were high and kept us excited. After quite a while of sailing we found a pod of up to 8 white beaked dolphins that was moving very rapidly, changing directions a lot so we assumed they were feeding. Eventually the lead us into an area with a lot of bird activity, and after a minke whale showed up at least 3 more of them were to follow and we could stay a while watching them and diving birds around us.

- Valentin Witek


Birds species seen today include: northern gannet. atlantic puffin, common guillemot, northern fulmar, great skua, black-legged kittiwake, manx shearwater

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, sea conditions are favorable, but there could always be some movement on the bay so seasickness tablets are available for those who wish. We are expecting some rain today, so be sure to make use of our warm overalls on board the boats! For more information, contact us by email or by phone +345 519 5000.