
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: It was very very very very very very very very cold out in the bay this afternoon with winds of 8-10m/s coming in from the north east. BRRRRRRR! Everyone dressed up warmly and used the complimetary overalls provided. A few passengers stayed outside a braved the cold, getting the authentic icelandic fisherman experience. The view was stunning however as the sun set over the Reykjanes. We saw many birds but not a fin in sight. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets in the hope they will come again and try their luck in teh future, its always a gamble with these wild animals and we never know tour to tour what we will see. All we can do it get out there and give it a go. 

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: This morning tour was a great start into the day. Although it was very cold in those early hours the orange-red light touching the snow-covered mountains was worth to get up in the dark. With the shorter days and the cold wind the atmosphere out at sea has become very different within the last weeks. Everything seems to be more peaceful and wild at the same time. On this tour we had only a small swell but quite a strong breeze from the north-east. After about an hour of sailing out into Faxfloi our crew spotted a single white-beaked dolphin, surfacing behind our vessel. But this indiviual was very elusive and was only seen one more time before it disappeared again. However, only a little later we got to see a small pod of 3-4 white-beaked dolphins. Although they seemed to be in a rush heading fast to the east, everyone who was on the top deck got a few brief looks at them. Some of them even breached so that you could see there whole elegant body with the beautiful white stripes on both sides of their back. But today you had to be quick with eyes and camera. Also our last encounter on this tour was a pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins. But also this pod seemed not to be interested in human watching today and passed by quickly in only about 30m in front of us before disappearing into the open bay. Of course we hoped for a little more sight of our wildlife, so we offered our passengers complimentary tickets to give it another go on another day and come with us again for free.

- Nicole Koestner 

Bird species seen on todays tours: black backed gulls, black headed gulls, glaucous gulls, iceland gulls, common guillemots, eider ducks, great cormorants. 

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik. There is little wind but there could be some movement out on Faxabay but we do offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge, if you are sensitive to motion sickness. Hope you are able to join us on our search of the whales