
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday 23 May 2022


Today we will be operating on Þruma RIB for our 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00 Premium Whale tour and on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land 


COVID-19: Keep in mind that passengers and crew are asked to ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser is advised. 


Report from Elding: Today we set sail with beautiful weather, lots of sunshine and small waves! We headed out in search of cetaceans and found a curious pod of white beaked dolphins! They came very close to the boat and it was a great encounter. We eventually continued on with our safari. We spotted blow in the distance and found a humpback whale! This individual was very hard to follow but we stayed with it for a bit, in the distance we saw another pod of white beaked dolphins that were breaching. It was great to see. As time ran out we returned to the harbour and a sunny Reykjavik!

- Anna Richter


Report from Hafsúlan: Our afternoon wildlife sightings started very shortly after leaving the harbour, 2-3  harbour porpoises popping up, taking a quick breath and disappearing again. A species you have to be quick in spotting.  After this very quick glimpse we continued our search to the same spot we saw a humpback whale in the morning, hoping that it was still there and bingo, it was! We were lucky to have it surface so close to the boat even though it was doing very unpredictable surfacing behaviours.  Still we got to enjoy this individual for a while until we left it in peace and carried on with the search to an area dolphins where encountered earlier in the day and… Bingo again. 6-7 white beaked dolphins surfing on the waves created by the boat and showed interest on our vessel, a juvenile was amongst the group! When coming back to the harbour, a very shy minke whale appeared just to finish up the tour. At the end, we saw the four main species that we usually see in summertime! As my first time as a guide with Elding, I must say it was a very nice way to start.

- Milla Brandão


Report from the RIBs: We went out with two boats this morning and were still enjoying the rare sunny day as we headed into the bay to try and spot some wildlife. We sailed out towards an area where a whale was seen this morning. When we arrived in the area both boats turned off their engines so we could all look around the area looking for any signs of the whale. Not long after we stopped, the humpback whale was spotted behind us a couple hundred meters away. We headed towards it to get a better look and as we arrived it went down for a deeper dive, arching its back high in the air but not quite showing us its tail. We waited for it to come up again and it didn't take too long. For the rest of the tour we followed this individual that kept our captains on their toes as it was moving in all different directions. We could see there were fish in the area using our Fish Finders onboard so that explained the fast movements at the surface and changing patterns of surfacing. Once our time was starting to run out, we decided to wait to see the whale one last time before heading back to the harbour. This last time that we watched the humpback, it lifted its tail high out of the water to go for its deep dive! What a way to end the tour!

- Emily Erskine