
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 29 April 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsulan: In the afternoon, the sun was still shining and the winds had calmed down a bit, allowing us to sail under relatively calm conditions. Since we had spotted a couple of Minke Whales in the morning, we decided to first sail to the area where we had seen them the last time. Indeed, we saw the back of a Minke Whale shortly, before it disappeared without a trace. But the team spirit was strong on our boat today and neither our passengers nor us gave up searching. After a while, we spotted 3 to 5 Harbour Porpoises very close to the boat, but like in the morning the porpoises were shy end elusive - a fact that we had to accept and we kept on searching.

Our captain decided to try our luck further outside in the bay, which was a very wise decision, since we were rewarded by a Minke Whale that surfaced very close to our boat. In contrast to it's earlier colleagues, this Minke seemed to like presenting himself to us so that we thoroughly enjoyed some nice and close surfacings of this Minke Whale before we headed back to Reykjavik, enjoying the nice weather and beautiful landscape of Faxa-Bay.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsulan: When we went out this morning, the sun was shining in a blue sky and a cold wind blowing, but everyone seemed to enjoy this kind of weather. Even though the sailing was a bit rough, we spottet a couple of Harbour Porpoises after 40 minutes of sailing along Faxa-Bay. However, the porpoises behaved quite shy und elusive and it was a bit difficult to see them in the rough sea, so we decided do sail on and look out for something else. From the distance, we spotted a flock of feeding Northern Gannets, so we headed towards the Gannets hoping to find whales within or around the flock.

Just a few minutes later, we saw the arching back of a Minke Whale and waited for it to resurface. Like the porpoises, this Minke behaved elusive and even though we were waiting patiently, it decided to vanish in the depths. We saiiled on quite motivated and after some minutes of searching spotted another Minke Whale which we happily enjoyed. However, it was a bit difficult to spot it again due to the rough sea this morning.

Birds seen on today's tours: Northern Gannets, Common Guillemots, Black-backed Gulls, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Eider Ducks

- Hendrik Schultz