Monday, 29 June 2009

Tour 17:00

Lovely tour, sea flat and calm, excellent light conditions. We had the Puffins first, Akurey, and then we sailed further out. We had at least 5 Minke whales, and one of them was so close, less than 30 meters, it was really amazing to have such a big whale so close.


Tour 13:00

The weather was still very good, even less wind and flat sea. We stopped first to Lundey, puffin Island then straight to the whales. mainly Minke whales out there. Some were close enough for us to see them very well, we could hear them breathing and know exactly where to look.


Tour 9:00

A nice day, with calm sea. We sailed out and we potted plenty of Minke whales, feeding or either travelling around. Few birds were around, mainly Puffins and Gulls. We then stop to Puffin island where we managed to get close and to have a look at more Puffins.