
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 30 April 2012

Tour at 1300

White-beaked Dolphins, Harbour Porpoises, Puffins and Gannets seen on this tour but in not the nicest of weathers.  Not only was the sea a bit rough but it was raining :(, We went back to the area were we saw the Humpback Whale and Minkes from this mornings tour but no luck. We stayed around this area for a while and eventually came across some White-beaked Dolphins which looked like they were chasing fish by the way they were changing direction and speed all the time. Now and again we came across Harbour Porpoises playing or conserving energy in the swells and gannets and Fulmars soaring through the air which was nice. Not the best of tours but lets hope the weather and whales gets better for tomorrow.


Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsulan: Humpback Whale, Minke Whales, Harbour Porpoises, Gannets, Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills where seen on this tour but in not the nicest of sea conditions but the rained stayed off which was great. It took us a little while before getting to the area where we saw the whales, about an hour of sailing but on the way we could see Harbour Porpoises and Puffins with thier little vibrant orange coloured feet (the puffins not the porpoises). I was so excited to see the Humpback Whale today as last time one was seen was about a week ago and so unmistakable as it lifted its fluke clear out of the water to dive. Then I saw a Minke Whale which surfaced many times but quite far away but i think most of the passengers got to see it. The Humpback surfaced again and we were able to enjoy him/her surfacing and then showing its beautiful tail for a time. We left the Humpback to it as it had quite a few boats around it at the end so we went looking for some Minke Whales but no more were seen. The weather could of been better but the cetaceans were great.

Report from Elding: In a nice spring morning we started our tour from Reykjavík older harbor. Once we got further out into Faxaflói Bay we had some swell and a little bit more wind. It did not take us a long time until we arrived in an area with a lot of seabirds including diving Gannets, Puffins and Guillemots. At the same time passengers spotted a black back that turned out to be the first Minke Whale of the tour. At first this one was not easy to locate but it seemed not to be the only individual in this area. After we spotted several Minke Whales in the same area around our boat, we suddenly saw the fluke of a Humpback Whale going for a deep dive. What a great surprise to find one of those fascinating marine mammals again, after we had not seen them for a few days now! We decided to concentrate on the Humpback Whale and tried to get a closer look. And it worked out, as it was surfacing not more than ten meters in front of us, showing it’s tail for several times in a row!!! What a great experience to stay so close with this Humpback Whale and the Minke Whales of Faxaflói Bay at the same time. Just when we decided to head back towards Reykjavík as we were running out of time one of the Minke Whales surfaced very close to us just like it wants to say good bye. One of those days when it is hard to leave the bay because of the amazing scenery around!!!