
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00 

Report from Eldey: We got top notch conditions this afternoon! There was almost no wind, the sea was calm, and the visibility seemed infinite! We had a peaceful sailing for about one hour, then we spotted first signs of cetacean wildlife with an elusive harbour porpoise that didn't stay much with us. Meeting him encouraged us to be alert and double checking the area until we met an easy going minke whale! We stayed with the whale for about one hour. It was minding its own business, not really caring about us. Which is fortunate because this individual was not particularly hiding or trying to evade, so we were treated with easy sightings. In due time, we had our sailing back toward Reykjavik in a bit chillier but still calm weather.

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Winter is fast approaching here in Reykjavik, evident with the dark, cold start this morning. The sun rose as we set sail from the harbour, but it was unable to light up the sky with the dense cloud cover. The sea was smooth with a gentle south easterly wind providing a small wave. The wildlife remained hidden for some time as if it did not want to appear on this cold morning. Our first cetacean was a very brief encounter with a minke whale which was only seen once while traveling across our path. Many of the passenger however, were able to see this whale due to it's close proximity and position to our vessel. As we circled the area, scanning intensely to see the whale again, we spotted a small pod of four white beaked dolphins that performed leaps to entertain. The dolphins were very easy to watch as they approached the boat, surfacing within fifty metres. Lastly, a lone harbour porpoise swam by quickly as we departed the dolphins and journeyed towards Reykjavik. Very nice tour with the dolphins as the stars of the show

- Mike Smith


Bird species seen on today's tour include: icelandic gull, sootie shearwater, eider duck, northern gannet & common guillemot