
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: A wonderful evening tour with a nice variety of seabirds, two minke whales, one surfacing just meters from our bow a few times and a stunning sunset made this tour absolutely beautiful. The seas were a little rocky but the warm summer winds and colourful clouds added to the tour. 

- Megan Whittaker 


Report from Eldey: The wind picked up a bit during this tour, but not so much that it would compromise the comfort of our passengers. The clear skies also unveiled the beautiful landscape on the background. During this tour we stayed a long period of time with a pod of around 5 or 6 white beaked dolphins. They were so comfortable around that even approached and started bow riding alongside our vessel. As these beautiful creatures were sometimes jumping over the sun glare, all our guests got the opportunity to take the classic "dolphin- over-sunset" pictures! 

- Inés Cunha


Report from Hafsulan : The wind was stronger than this morning and the boat was bumping a little bit more on the waves. But with the shiny sun we had, our passengers were almost all the time outside, helping to spot the animals. We first found a minke whale. The animal was fishing during a while in the same area, where a lot of birds were also feeding, so we could observe the whale surfacing many times. We left to found another species and we saw splashes made by a pod of at least 6 white-beaked dolphins. They were doing really high and impressive jumps ! When we approached they stopped jumping but we were still able to see their dorsal fin coming up over the surface. We headed back to Reykjavik enjoying a good sunbath.

- Miquel Pons


Report from Eldey: This afternoon started out with similar weather conditions as this morning, just the wind picked up a bit. Thus we headed out from the harbour with the condition to spot some cetaceans. 5 minutes it was the time that we needed to find our first cetaceans 2 harbour porpoises. After half an hour sailing a big blow showed up in the distance and we went out that direction, suddenly when we got to the area 3 minke whales came up to the surface feeding next to a huge flock of birds, who was moving all the time chasing the fish. We had the opportunity to see those animals surfacing many time so we stayed for a while. On the way back to Reykjavik we saw many atlantic puffins flying to open waters. Another good day to be in the bay.

- Jose Manuel Marco


Report from Hafsulán: Great morning with a bit of sun and the sea not yet as rocky as it will get today... We sailed out for about an hour when we saw our first minke whale. Most of us saw it , but it was behaving very shy so we continued our search. We spotted a more relaxed one some more miles away. This one was a bit more behaved and allowed us to have a look at it's sleek shiny black body. A bit of a tease, but still a nice experience at sea.

-Lucas Heinrich


Report from Eldey: By leading the first whale watching expedition of the day, we were the recon scouts, roaming in theses waters and try to discover where our whales and dolphins have decided to hang today. Our mission was a success, as through the course of the tour we were able to find a pod of 5 white beaked dolphins and 2 minke whales. Our dolphins were quite active but easy to keep track of, so our passengers had plenty of the time to make the mandatory recordings. Our minke whales though, were being quite illusive, making ti a bit more challenging for us to keep their pase. However, we were able to see our last minke whales a few times really close to our vessel, so all the guests were able to enjoy it! An awesome tour to match a lovely summer day!

- Ines Cunha

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, arctic tern, northern fulmar, northern gannet, lesser black-backed gull, manx shearwater, black-legged kittiwake, arctic skua, common guillemot, great skua.


Good morning! A great day today for whale watching! Seas are calm and clouds are predicted over Reykjavík with some sun shining around the middle of the day. We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today but if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.