
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 5 June 2017

Tour at 17.00 Report from Eldey: In the evening wind became stronger, but our captain manage to provide us very pleasant trip sailing with the wind direction. We enjoyed sun and beautiful views. It take as a while to spot pod of 7-10 White-beaked dolphins, animals were playful jumping and riding the waves. We were having fun watching them but dolphins didn't stay with us for long. During rest of the trip we were trying to find another cetaceans, but unfortunately we weren't lucky. Even if we were having good time with dolphins, we decided to give to our pass angers complimentary tickets for another whale watching trip with us!

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan:  The wind had picked up a little by this afternoon and when we left port there were some swells. Our first encounter this time were 2 humpback whales at the same time as 3 white-beaked dolphins! The 2 humpbacks were travelling all over the bay with us in pursuit. After the whales had led us on a merry chase all the way almost back into the harbour, we decided to leave the humpbacks to try and find something else. Not too long before we were supposed to return to port, we saw some huge splashes a couple of kilometres in the distance. We even saw the body of a whale as it breached into the air and then hit the water. Once we arrived in the area, we realised it was a minke whale and we managed to see it surface a couple of times before it was then time to leave. Again, what an exciting trip!

-Rachel Pool

Tour at 10.00

Report from Hafsúlan: The sun shining on our backs as we left the harbour meant that almost no one needed overalls this morning. Within our first hour, we had a pod of 5 white-beaked dolphins come and join us for a while. At one point they swam very close to the boat and we could still see them swimming under the surface. As we ventured further out in the bay, we then encountered some harbour porpoises, and as we slowed for them we smelt the rotten breath of a minke whale. Sure enough, within a minute of smelling its blow the minke surfaced and we all got to see it. We then saw some huge splashes in the distance and as we got closer we realised it was a humpback whale! The humpback put on a good show for us, performing a few peduncle throws, before it was then time for us to leave and return to port. What an amazing trip with all four of the most common species being encountered!

- Rachel Pool

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Conditions today were great with some sun and low swell height. On our way to our main sighting area, we sighted two very elusive white-beaked dolphins which we tried to get a better look at; however, they remained unseen for some passengers. Just about 10 minutes later, we sighted ~two harbour porpoises travelling in opposite direction and after only 2 - 3 surfaces, they remained elusive as well. Towards the end of the second hour on sea, we sighted two humpback whales coupled up with a few surfaces before they went down. They did this a few times and showed their flukes before their decent into a deeper dive. After a short detour through our main sighting area and no luck to spot other individuals, we meet the two humpbacks again. Just before we had to leave, the two humpbacks showed up roughly 50m from our boat and with a last glimpse of ones´ fluke, they waved us a happy good-bye. 

- Friedrich Rittner

Tour at 9.00

Report from Eldey: Summer is definitely here! We sail out under almost clear sky with very light breeze. In our first hour we were lucky to spot two Minke Whales, and no further later another individual which was feeding under big flock of birds. In the same area we saw also few Harbour Porpoises, and one of them even jump in front  of our boat! After few moments with this animals we encountered a pod of White-beaked Dolphins which were also making spectacular jumps! It was clear that animals are enjoying good weather as much as us. We left this dolphins behind to take a look at a Humpback Whale, where we saw again a Minke  surfacing very close to the Humpback. It was a great beginning of the Monday! 

- Ewa Malinowska

Birds seen today: arctic tern, common guillemot, razorbill, atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, little auk, common gull, black-backed gull, black legged kittiwake, arctic skua, manx shearwater.

Tour status: RUNNING

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, with beautiful sunny weather and calm seas. For more information contact or +354 519 5000