
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: It was fully cloudy but the sea was perfectly calm, great weather for whale spotting! We sailed out for about an hour and found some splashes in the distance, and as we approached, we realized we had about 15-20 white-beaked dolphins just jumping around and showing lots of playful behaviour-even bow riding in front of our boat! It was such a beautiful experience and we could stay for a whlie with them until we decided we would go further out in search of other species. And ofcourse we found 2-3 minke whales and spent some time with them before we ran out of time. Beautiful way to end the day!

Kristín Viðja


Report from Eldey: We sailed over flat seas and a soft breeze, guaranteeing a very pleasant ride. The mist falling over the surrounding landscape enhanced the mystic Icelandic aura that inspired so many fairy tales. This tour could have not been better! It took us little more than half an hour to have our first sighting. Through the course of trip our passengers got the opportunity to enjoy a pod 5 or 6 white beaked dolphins and 3 or 4 minke whales! All the animals appeared to be quite comfortable in our presence, allowing us to observer them all for a long period of time. Pretty sure everybody stored great memories of this wonderful creatures!

- Inês Cunha


Report from Hafsúlan: Clouds were now fully covering the sky, but with winds having calmed down and calming down even more during our tour, the sail on this afternoon tour was very smooth. We sailed out to a similar area where we encountered the dolphins on our previous tour, but had no luck. Also the bird life was not as abundant as it had been in the morning, suggesting that the fish which the birds and also whales and dolphins feed on, had simply moved to another part of the bay. We kept searching, crossing from the western side to the eastern side and had a brief encounter with 3 white-beaked dolphins near Hvalfjödur. Unfortunately they were not in the mood to be around a boat so they simply went for a long dive and  swam away. This is something we respect to the fullest and thus we did not attempt to follow them. Our searching continued until the last minutes of our tour, but as it remained unsuccessful, everyone was offered a complimentary ticket to come back once more, free of charge, to hopefully see more wildlife on another go.

- Kristín Hardardóttir


Report from Eldey: The clouds were winning against the sun this time and, together with a mild Northeast wind, made us felt a bit colder than in the morning. The visibility was really good. The sea was calm and the sailing was really smooth during the whole tour. Some enthusiastic passengers were with me in the top part of the boat scanning the sea surface the entire trip and giving me a lot of support in the searching. After roughly an hour a blow appeared in the distance but we were unable to find the owner. Nevertheless, a few splashes appeared in the direction of Reykanes peninsula. A really nice pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins were jumping out of the water and surfing the waves. They were playing around us for a while until it was time to go home and we wave them goodbye. In the way back, a second pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins appeared quite close to the end of the trip, making us going inside the harbour with a great smile. 

-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz


Report from Hafsúlan: With north easterly winds and a mostly cloudy sky, it felt a lot colder than on previous days and we actually had to dress in overalls. But with them, we were all comfortable and ready to face any weather. It was a little wavy today, nothing serious, and spotting conditions were still very good. However it took us a very very far way out today, past Akraness, until we spotted 2 unbelievable white-beaked dolphins. They were so much fun!! Jumping over and over, one always trying to jump more or higher than the other, like 2 young teenage boys with to much energy. We all had a blast watching them! Dolphinitely awesome and totally worth returning half an hour late to the harbour.
- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Eldey: Regardless of the crew uttermost effort, unfortunately there were no close encounters during the course of this tour. A few minke whales were spotted from a far, but every time we tried to catch up with them they would behave in a very illusive way, as they went for incredible long deeper dives. Even though it is unusual, as wild animals, they behave differently according to their moods. If cetaceans wish to pass unnoticed, they will. Nevertheless, though the crew could not have done any better, our company wants to provide everybody the chance to see our giants from the sea. For this reason, we offered all our passengers complementary tickets, so that they can come back again on anther whale watching tour for free. Hope to see them all again soon!

-Inês Cunha

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, lesser black-backed gull, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern, northern gannet, northern fulmar, great skua, arctic skua, manx shearwater, either duck, herring gull, common guillemot.


We are sr. ailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. The sun is shining and the weather today is beautiful however if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.