
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 05 July 2014

Unfortunately due to weather we need to cancel the tours at 10am, 1pm, 2pm, 5pm and 8:30pm. Please stop by the office, send us an email ( or call +354 519 5000 for more information.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: Once again we sailed from Grindavík on the south coast of Iceland in order to avoid the terrible weather which our normal bay has suffered. We couldn´t avoid all of it though and our trip was incredibly windy, luckily as we were sheltered by the land the swell was quite low and though we were cold our trip wasn´t a rollercoaster ride. We had hoped to relive some of the fantastic trips we had recently but sailed from Grindavík has always been a gamble. Either you will be greeted by a fantastic trip or you won´t see anything, unfortunately this was in the latter category. We sailed east out of the harbour and though we searched long and hard we couldn´t find any whales or dolphins on this trip so at the end we gave out complimentary tickets so our passengers could have another try at a later time.

- Jack Ball

Birds seen on todays tour include: Northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, arctic terns, common guillemots, lesser black backed gulls, atlantic puffins.