
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Eldey: The sea conditions in the bay continue to be calm as yesterday. Flat sea, no wind; but to create balance in the Force we also had at the beginning of the tour rain and fog. It was for a very long time that we struggled to see something else then the beautiful birds of Faxaflói. We did however see a harbour porpoise to boost our morale, passing off our starboard bow. After more then an hour we saw a minke whale in the south-east area of the bay. It was a very grumpy minke whale and fast as a laser blast. For this reason we left it alone and continued our search, knowing that we are slowly running out of time. We however didn't have to go far far away to spot the next one. This minke whale was very relaxed and luckily had the same bearing as we did. This allowed for an awesome sighting that caused the happy shouts of both adults and kids. There is really nothing more rewarding than to see the smiling faces of satisfied costumers that have a passion for the wildlife.

-Lucas Heinrich


Report from Hafsúlan: The sea was perfectly calm, sky was cloudy but it was quite warm. We headed out to where we had the most success in the past days, and found a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins! We could stay with them for a while, they swam up to us and then they started feeding about 100 meters away from us so we observed from that distance until we decided to go further out to find some other animals. Just a few minutes later we spotted at least 3 minke whales feeding in the area! It was a very nice tour and we headed back to the harbour with smiles on our faces.

-Kristín Viðja


Report from Eldey:We were happy to see that the rain stopped a few minutes before we left the harbour for this afternoon tour. We begun the sightings with the astonishing plunge diving of northern gannets, the biggest seabird of faxaflói bay. After a while, with almost all our passengers scanning the surface of the sea we saw a first minke whale in an area full of birds, probably feeding on herrings, sand eels are other small fish schools. A little bit later we saw another minke whale in the same area, but this proud cetacean was a bit shy, and vastly deep dive. We went to different area to find other species and we found a pod of 6 white beaked dolphins. One of those showed us how they jump. Really impressive !

-Miquel Pons


Report from Hafsúlan: The perfect day for whale watching was ahead. A flat and really calm sea, the sky full of clouds covering the sun reflection and everything just set up to have an amazing tour. We didn't´t have to wait a long time until the first flock of active birds appeared in the distance. We distinguished a black shape together with the birds. Once we got to the area, a minke whale was waiting for us! It was moving a lot in different directions, probably feeding, so it was a bit difficult to follow it. However, it was possible to observe it for a few minutes, until we decided to follow another minke that was surfacing a bit further away. It was a really nice sighting!! We were just waiting patiently when it just surfaced with the mouth open, as a feeding show, one meter away from the boat! It was so slow and beautiful! It did it a few more times until it decided to move away from us. Two more minke whales were surfacing in the distance while waiting, making a total of 4 minke whales in less than an hour! A few splashes got our attention a some minutes afterwards. A pod of 6-8 white-beaked dolphins was feeding a few hundred meters away. We encountered then and it was wonderful! They were feeling really playful, doing bow riding and crossing the boat from one to the other side again and again. Some feeding in the middle to take some energy and continue with the game again. And there was even a tiny baby dolphin within the group that never separated from its mother. It was fantastic! Everybody felt cheerful after this wonderful trip.

- Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz


Report from Eldey: With the same perfect sea and the same great visibility that we were having during the previous tour, we left the harbour with the hope to see those beautiful animals again during this evening tour. A lot of majestic northern gannets were flying, sometimes really close of the boat, almost close enough to see their sharp blue eyes in their golden head. A lot of northern fulmar flying really smoothly, almost touching our heads. This time the cetaceans were hard to find but patience and concentration pay ! We finish to spot a minke whale and stay with this mysterious creature during a really nice half hour.

-Miquel Pons 


Report from Elding: It was considerably more windy than on the earlier tours, and the sea was getting a little choppy. Still we sailed out full of optimism after the successful trips the last few days. However, mother nature was not on our side this evening. After 3 hours of searching without any luck we offered return tickets to all of our passengers, we hope to see you all again with us.

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Birds species seen today on the tours: northern fulmar, northern gannet, Arctic tern, Arctic skua, Atlantic puffin, great skua, lesser blacked-back gull, herring gull, glaucous gull, kittiwake, manx shearwater, common guillemot, bridled guillemot, razorbill, eider duck

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. It is a beautiful day and the seas should be calm, but If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.