
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 20:30

Report from Elding: The sky was a little bit overcast at the beginning of our midnight tour, but eventually the sun came out and bathed the bay in a beautiful light. We had to search for a little longer today, but finally came across a very active pod of 5-6 white beaked dolphins. They were jumping out of the water and being very easy to follow. We could stay quite a while with these lovely animals. Afterwards we only sailed for a few more minutes, when we spotted 2 minke whales. They were surfacing quite predictably, so it was easy for the passengers to follow them. Another minke whale also popped up, when the first two seemed to have left the area. Everyone on board really enjoyed these encounters and we headed back to the harbour with a smile on our face.

- Diana Besel

✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The delightful weather invited our passengers to enjoy the ride in our outside deck, enjoying the beautiful scenery. As usual, we headed to the areas where cetaceans are most frequently sighted in our bay. We revisited the spot where we had most of the sightings on the previous tours of the day, as there was still a lot of bird activity going on there. We ended up spotting a pod of 5 or 6 white beaked dolphins and later on at least 6 minke whales spread out in the area. Through all the encounters we were able to observe the animals during a considerate amount of time. Our passengers could have not expected a better way to finfish the day!

- Inês Cunha

✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 14:00

Report from Elding: The weather was changing a bit, it was getting more cloudy and a few drops of rain, but we just put on our warm overalls and went out searching for whales! After about 45 minutes of sailing, we founf a pod of about 3 white-beaked dolphins! We saw them pretty well but there were more boats coming to take a look so we just got a little further away where we found lots of minke whales scattered across the area! Some of them came close and some were more elusive, but all in all this was a great tour with many animals around! We then ran out of time and headed back to the harbour with smiles on our faces.

-Kristín Viðja Harðardóttir

✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 13:00

We went out with the clouds accompanying us, as is quite normal on this cold island. We sailed out for a long time and I was beginning to feel uneasy about our sighting chances. But that soon changed when a passenger spotted birds feeding in the distance. Another person thought they saw a fin. After a few moments it was starting to be clear that we are in a good area. Birds and minke whales feeding in the same area and us standing in the middle of the spectacle. Even though I am unsure of the number of animals I would speculate there were 9-11 whales around us, closer and further away. We had fun within the whale zone and even managed to take some cool photos. It was hard not to, they were everywhere. Definitely a good day at sea.

-Lucas Heinrich

✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 10:00

Report from Elding: The sun was shining one more day in Reikjavik. We left the harbour with high hopes. The sea was totally calmed and a soft breeze was blowing from the northwest. The sailing was going really mild and relaxing. Roughly one hour away from Reikjavik, we had our first sighting. A dark shape, together with a small blow, appeared in front of the boat, in the distance. As we were approaching the area, lots of artic terns were coming with us letting us know how full of fish the area was. Just a few minutes later, we had our first minke whale!!! We stopped the boat and a lot of dark shapes started to surface everywhere! We counted a total of 9 minke whales feeding around us! The sea was that calm that the captain decided to shut down the engine to enjoy the nature in all its essence. It was magical to be in silence, surrounded by birds and whales, hearing the exhalation blows. We could enjoy this peaceful environment for a long time until it was time to head back to the harbour. Such a beautiful morning!

-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz

✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  | at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Nobody could wish for a better way to start the day. The weather was perfect for sailing. A quick way to describe this wonderful tour would be “whale parade”… We started by spotting a group of 7 or 8 white beaked dolphins that were foraging. As the animals seemed quite comfortable around us we were able to stay long enough for everybody to record numerous videos and pictures. Afterwards we decided to resume our search for something else. Shortly after we confirmed that was definitely a good call! We reached an area packed with at least 10 minke whales! There was a lot of bird action going now which usually a sign of abundant prey is. At some point we were surrounded by minke whales popping up all around us, sometimes quite close to our vessel. We enjoyed this show for a long while. We even got some “rainblows”! Another great tour with Elding!

- Inês Cunha

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, black guillemot, common guillemot, northern fulmar, arctic tern, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, great skua, northern gannet, leser black-backed gull, manx shearwater.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today at 9:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 17:00. The weather today is beautiful, but it may be a little rough out at sea. If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. The sun is shining, but make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.