
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The sea wasn't as rough as the forecast had made us believe, so it wasn't an unpleasant day to be out. We sailed to Keflavik harbour on this tour, having heard of some activity there. On our way there we unfortunately could not see much of the landscape around us as it was very foggy - welcome to Iceland I guess. Once we reached Keflavik, we spotted a blow and went to this spot. We were surprised by the animal - a humpback whale - showing up less than 40 meters away from us. It surfaced 3 times and raised it's fluke for us, only to then disappear. We waited over 15 minutes for it to resurface but it didn't. So while it is a great species to see, of course just one surface sequence isn't enough and everyone was offered a complimentary ticket for another whale watching trip with us.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We set sail with above than average temperatures, the sea was a little swelly but nothing too bad. It took us a long time to find the cetaceans today. So instead we enjoyed the company of the wonderful seabirds like the northern fulmars, common guillemots and the beautiful northern gannets. The first cetacean to be spotted were the rather elusive harbour porpoises, which popped up rather quickly, but we managed to catch a very quick glimpse of there small dark bodies before they disappeared into the waves. It wasn´t long until we found a minke whale which we were able o watch for some time as it surfaced all around the boat allowing us a very good look at its long and slender body. It was then a smooth sail back to Reykjavik with the wind at our backs. 

- Tess Hudson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: After a windy night we had a little bit of swell coming from out of the bay and, still, a little bit of wind (that, indeed, was meant to get worse along the day). It wasn't after one hour of sailing that we had the first encounter this morning. And at the same time, the last. It was a minke whale surfacing really elusive and just popping out of the water for a few times in a row. Although the spotting conditions were rather good this morning, the rain and the increasing wind didn't make it easy for us to find any other cetaceans. So we came back home without unfortunately seeing any other animals but we gave our passengers the chance to come back thanks to the complimentary tickets they got at the end of the tour. I hope everybody will have better luck next time!

- Alberto Alejandro

Birds seen on todays tours: cormorant, common guillemot, lesser black-backed gull, northern fulmar, northern gannet and kittiwake.