Saturday, 17 February 2024
Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 9:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.
Report from Eldey: the very windy conditions didn't prevent us from sailing out to sea, as we were not planning to stray away further than the calm waters close to Reykjavik's old harbour. In fact the three humpback whales that have been present in the area were still there, around the islands of Videy and Eldey, and they did put on quite a show! As we were approaching one of them, we saw another splashing about in the distance. We decided to go and check that one out, and when we arrived we saw that it was beating its tail on the water. Afterwards it started repeatedly breaching the surface, setting up an awesome show. As this whale was getting gradually tired, we decided to leave it alone, to move towards the second breahing whale of the day! We stayed with this one for a while, but as it wasn't stopping jumping around we decided to move to give it some space and check the last whale out. This was was undoubtely calmer, focusing on feeding upon the large amount of fish present underneath us. The trip ended with this whale relaxing on the surface, possibly taking a nap on this warm day.
Francesco Golin
Report from Eldey: What a lovely day at our bay! We had barely left the harbour when we met the first humpback whale of the tour! Soon after we realized that there were two individuals in the same area busy feeding! There were many other boats all around, so we decided to keep sailing to look for other cetaceans! We soon met another animal! A total of 4 humpback whales today!
-Rosalinda Cipro
Bird species seen today include:
Greylag geese, Great black-backed gull, lesser blacked-backed gull, herring gull, razorbill, great cormorant, black guillemot, Northern fulmar, Northern gannet, eider duck, brent geese, red-breasted merganser