
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 17 September 2011

Tour at 13:00

A tour to remember. Mirror calm seas, beautiful dynamic skies and great cetaceans. We saw all three species on this tour Minke Whales (at least two individuals, different areas), White-beaked Dolphins (seemed to be everywhere in the bay today) and Harbour Porpoises (which were shy at first then became more used to the boat. Excellent day to be out at sea whale watching :).


Tour at 09:00

One of the best tours in a long time. Great weather and fantastic whales. We started the tour with a Minke Whale which surfaced many times and then in the distance we saw White-beaked Dolphins which surfaced less than 10 meters from our boat once we got closer. After watching the dolphins for a while we decided to go and check out the diving Gannets, a very impressive bird which can dive into the water from a height of 30m and gets to speeds of 100km/h. Then the Dolphins started to jump so we headed off back to them. They were fantastic and there seemed to be more of them now too. Jumping and surfacing next to the boat. On our way back to the harbour we were also lucky to have a brief encounter with a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. Great Day!