Saturday, 18 April 2009

Tour 17:00

The wind picked up a bit this late afternoon but we tried to go out and we actually had a nice our out at sea. In fact, we could spotted first a couple of white-beaked dolphins and then going a bit closer to coast we had the chance to stay for quite a long time witha group of at least 20 white-beaked dolphins, which were feeding in association with gannets, gulls anf fulmars. I was very spectacular to see them intereacting together, surfing the waves, leaping, fast surfacing and even approaching us, bow riding and traveling along the side of the boat!


Tour at 13:00

We didn't have as much luck as in the morning. The area was suddenly empty - all the whales were gone. After quite a long time searching however, we spotted two really nice groups of harbour porpoises. But that was all. Even the birds were gone. Hopefully it will get better again


Tour at 9:00

This morning we had some nice sightings even if the whales made it a bit difficult for us. During the tour we spotted at least four, maybe five different minke whales. But only the first one and the last one "allowed" us to watch them. Somehow there was not much food around for them. That's probably why the other minke whales always came up to the surface to breathe only once and then disappeared again. While we waited for one of the minke whales a group of white-beaked dolphins showed up and spent some time with us. Like the other days we spotted some harbour porpoises as well.