
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status: RUNNING

Tour 19:00

Report from Elding: On this midnight sun tour, we were extra excited as it looked liked we were going to see a beautiful sunset today. The sunset definitely did not disappoint! But the star of of tour was the white beaked dolphins. We saw 15-20 dolphins jumping and bow riding. It looked amazing as they swam in the sun glare. On the tour we also saw a minke whale, but this individual was quite elusive, so we focused on the fun entertaining dolphins. A beautiful tour in Faxaflói! 

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: We are very happy that the good weather and now calmer seas are now still with us. We encountered a lone white-beaked dolphin after an hour of sailing, which was quite strange, since dolphins usually travel in groups. So indeed, after another 15 minutes of sailing towards the horizon, we spotted a pod of 6-7 white-beaked dolphins. They were in a very good mood and played all around the boat. After this wonderful encounter, we also saw a lone minke whale for a few brief moments and it was a nice cherry on top and a way to end the tour.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: It started really good sailing again along the coast in the wind shelter of mount Esya and Acrafjall. After short time we spotted the first blow but unfortunately the individual was really elusive. Continuing out cruise we started to smell a whale but also this individual was really elusive so we sailed on, on this really beautiful afternoon out in the bay. We encountered lots of different seabirds but the whales played hard to get. After a really hard time we finally spotted a big active flock of seabirds and at the same time 3 minke whales feeding! It really payed off stretching the tour to see such an amazing behaviour. This animals did not care about us, so they came in really close, one even so we could see the white bands on its flippers. What an amazing afternoon!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 13:00 

Report from Eldey: Calm seas and sunshine greeted us once again on this afternoon's tour. After about an hour of sailing, we found a pod of at least 10 white-beaked dolphins that surfaced around the boat a few times before heading out. We continued our search further into the bay and eventually came across 2 minke whales surfacing a few times, quite predictably around us. After they went for a deep dive, we continued searching until we found a third, much smaller young minke. We enjoyed its company for a few minutes with it before it left. By that time, we had to start heading back to the harbour and enjoyed a nice cruise back in the sun.

-Anne Moullier 

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: We sailed out on this windy sunny morning towards north, sheltered from the wind along the coastline. After some time, close to Acraness we slowed down as there was something in the air. We kept scanning the area really intense and suddenly almost at the same time 2 minke whales just surfaced close to us in front of the boat. We were able to stay with one of the animals for a while. After this we saw another individual which was unfortunately elusive and time started to run out, so we had to head back home. All in all it was a really beautiful morning out at sea!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out of the harbour in sunny weather with the swell gone considerably down from yesterday afternoon. It was only surprising how cold it is out there on the sea. All the crew on board did everything they could to find the animals, but despite the beautiful weather and the lovely environment around us, this tour was a no-show for the whales. The guide seems to be the only one that managed to catch a glimpse twice of the minke whales, but for this reason we gave our passengers a chance to do the whale watching again for free and gave out complementary tickets.

-Lucas Heinrich

Bird species seen on today's tours: lesser black-backed gull, atlantic puffin, northern gannet, northern fulmar, arctic tern, manx shearwater, black-legged kittiwake, arctic skua

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. We are experiencing some wind out on the Faxa Bay today so prepare for a little movement on our tours today. We hope the forecast stays true and we might see some sun today on the water! For more information please contact us by email at or by phone +354 519 5000.