
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Status Tour 9 am: RUNNING

Tour at 9am will be running from the old harbor. There is some wind so we are expecting it to be a bit choppy. To reserve a ticket and for more information contact us by email at or by phone +354 519 5000.

Status Tour 1 am: RUNNING

We will be going ahead with our 1am tour. There is still some wind so the seas might be a bit choppy.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: After a tour without success, we gave it another try in this 13 tour. We sailed happy since the wind looked a little bit calmer, but since the direction changed slightly to the north... there was a lot of whitecaps covering the surface of the sea and making the spotting a hard task. We sailed out, gathering as much shelter from the shore as possible, and then we tried to look for the animals in the whale fiord. Unfortunately, the fiord failed us this time and didn't make justice to its name and we headed back to the Old Harbour. We offered some complimentary tickets to our passengers so they'd be able to repeat the adventure, hopefully with a little bit more of luck next time!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Report from Eldey: Our departure happened while it was still quite dark, but on the horizon there was some light gently rising. Things were looking good ! As expected we got pleasant views on the snowy mountains in the landscapes, there was some clouds in the sky but enough clear space to enjoy a little bit of sun. Still remaining the wind was strongly blowing from the North, so we were treated with a rocky ride when leaving the harbour area ! Fortunately we quickly found shelter close to Snaefellsness, and from there the sailing was much calmer. After reaching our furtherst point we turned back and then had the wind behind us. We were now going in the same direction than the waves, so the ride became delightfully easy. But even with nice sun and a relaxing sailing, it's hard to make up for the lack of cetaceans on a whale watching trip, we didn't find any this morning. No whales means try again, we promptly gave complimentary tickets to our passengers and expressed our dearest wish to have them back as soon as possible for a more successful trip. See you guys !

- Guillaume Calcagni


Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern fulmar, icelandic gull, black guillemot, razorbill, eider duck, great and lesser black-backed gull