
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Touar 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed for about an hour with out any sightings, it seemed like the animals that were close to land earlier today had gone further out. After some searching we spotted a pod of 4-6 White-beaked Dolphins, with a baby dolphin with them! they came close but constantly changed directions, probably to protect the young. As we sailed a little further we found another pod of 4 dolphins that were very playful and swam with and under the boat for some time! When it was almost time to head back we spotted a black back from the distance. It was a Minke Whale. After we watched it surface for a while it was time to head back.Great tour with some long searching but it surely paid off ! -Freydís Ósk

Tour at 9:00 Report from Hafsúlan: After yesterday's disappearing of the animals we headed out with our mind set on finding something. We got out of the harbour after around 5 minutes of sailing, and up pops a Minke Whale! just right in front of the boar out side of the harbour. We watched it as it surfaced around us and fed, it even rolled (surface fed) for a couple of times so we could see the animals flippers and white belly. After 40 minutes of watching the Minke we decided to head further out, see if we would find something else, but very soon we found the second Minke Whale, also very close to land, that animal wasn't feeding but it surfaced around us slowly and we got a great look at it. After the second animal swam away we searched some more before we headed towards land again.What a trip, Wild life constantly surprises us!  - Freydís Ósk