
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The wind had picked up and it was rather blustery as we headed out into the bay, It was a long time before we saw our first cetacean, just over an hour but once we were in the area wildlife was blooming. The humpback whale ´Picasso´was the only humpback whale encountered on this tour but it was a delight to watch, lunge feeding, turning this way and that, coming towards us, heading away. Very busy feeding on the small silver sandeels and copecods flurishing in the bay. Picasso also showed it´s beautiful fluke man times, and twice high and slowly to get that optimal tail shot, even with capitol Reykjavik in the background. Whilst watching the humpback whale we also quickily saw a minke whale surface 3 times and 2 harbour porpoises very quickily just 15 meters in front. The birdlife was incredible hundreds of arctic terns, and many gannets, kittiwakes, sea gulls, fulmars, auks and skuas to fill the air. A magical evening tour. 

- Megan Whittaker

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out in good weather again for this afternoons tour with spectacular views of snæfellsjökull in the distance. We headed towards the same spot that we witnessed Picasso, our regular humpback whale, from this mornings tour and sure enough we were greeted from blows from this individual again! We stayed with Picasso for over half an hour before heading off further into the bay. We then happened to see some blows in the distance which turned out to be another humpback whale! We repeatedly watched it surfacing and diving and passengers could get some great shots of the tail fluke - along with a few close ups of some inquisitive northern gannets - another great tour!

- Darcy Philpott

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The weather was amazing when we sailed out, blue sky, sun and wonderful views of the surrounding mountains. After about half an hour into the trip we spotted different flocks of birds in the distance. Then we saw a blow and we traveled towards the first humpback whale of the tour which turned out to be Picasso and individual that we have encountered on various tours. Picasso decided to give us a closes look and came up right in front of the boat. It was incredible to see the animal so close and all passengers were also able to get a good look at Picasso. On our way back we encountered another humpback whale a bit further of, after seeing the animal surface a few times we unfortunately ran out of time and we had to return to Reykjavik. It was an amazing tour.

- Anouk & Hanna

Bird species seen on today's tours include: herring gull, black backed gull, arctic tern, puffin, gannet, eider duck, fulmur, kittiwake, manx shearwater, arctic skua, great skua, common guillemots.