
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 22 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: given the rather disappointing morning, there was but one option, to head straight out to where the dolphins had been seen an hour or so before. However, they had gone off in the meantime, sadly, we love dolphins here at Elding and love to show them. Indeed the dolphins almost seem to love showing off as much as we like to show them. So we kept on sailing and sailing, checking out different areas of the bay but with the sole exception of a few Harbour Porpoises (2-3) once, which vanished almost as soon as we found them, there were no whales seen on this tour. Complimentary tickets were given out at the end and we hope to see as many of our passengers on this tour as possible back with us soon.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We had beautiful weather on this tour, the sun was shining through moody clouds and even a rainbow showed up but the rain stayed off us the entire tour. There were so many birds in the bay this morning which was very promising as they must of been feeding on fish and what else eats fish...whales, dolphins and porpoises. We went to check out a flock of Gannets plunging into the water and saw a couple of Harbour Porpoises (2-3 animals) but they soon dove down and vanished. We continued sailing for a while longer and got word from another vessel about a minke whale so we were off, it did a few surfaces apparently and like the porpoises vanished before we came. We sailed to the east then. We then got word from another boat that saw a minke so once again we were off. We thought we saw this minke whale surface 2-3 times in the distance but in an awkward angle because then suddenly a White-beaked Dolphin surfaced - was it that what we saw? The dolphins came up twice and then like every thing they vanished. We were all a bit saddened about our experiences with the cetaceans today but then White-beaked Dolphins started to jump and leap in the distance, a pod of maybe 5-7 individuals, jumping in the air, twisting and then landing with a splash. Incredible to watch as we got closer, So a very difficult start but a great finish. whoo hoo :)